Monday, October 14, 2019

Track: I need You once again (in the style of The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) - Karaoke / Instrumental

So, here is the second track that I'm sharing.

As usual, tracks that I have played and recorded myself. This is amongst the earliest track that I have created, I hope you enjoy it.

I need You once again Instrumental / Karaoke

Enjoy 😀

Monday, October 7, 2019

Track: Bless Your Name Forevermore (in the style of The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) - Karaoke / Instrumental

Hello everyone,

So, this is the first track that I created and that I'm sharing here on this blog.

This is a pretty powerful song, and I'm always left with goosebumps every-time I'm singing, hearing, or listening to this track.

I hope you enjoy ... and God bless you.

Bless Your Name Forevermore Instrumental / Karaoke

Hey friends

Welcome to this small blog,

I'm here to share music tracks that I have personally played and recorded. I have used many of the tracks that are coming-up on this blog, in my local church, and since then, I'd like to share it to others.

Note that a lot of time and efforts have been put into the making of these tracks, do not download and share them elsewhere but here. I'm also monetizing the links and the downloads; if you would like to support me directly instead, please let me know.

To download, you'll need to have a RapidGator account. You can register one here.

Stay tuned.